Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Step 3

Todd took Step 3 last Friday. What a week that was. He was leaving the house by 8 and coming home by 10 at night. Long days for all of us. He also had one of the hardest days he's had in residency that Thursday. He was so deflated. It seemed as if he felt like he just simply wasn't good enough. I felt just awful. And how awful for him to go into his 8 hour board exam the next morning feeling that way.
Todd called me on the lunch break they are given and his mood was so different from the day before. It was so wonderful to hear him overcoming that discouragement he felt. I was praying for him, family was praying for him, many others were praying for him. I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude for the support and love that surrounds us.
We survived last week. And Todd made it home by 8:30 last night, lol! He really gets home by 6:30 most nights this rotation. He just had to stop by at the white coat ceremony for the new residents starting this year. And then he stopped by the grocery store on the way home. He's always willing to help out in that way. He's pretty awesome. Now I just need a mommy break...and I'm sure the kids could use a break from mommy;)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

We Bought a House!

Wow, what a whirlwind few weeks! Todd was in Brandon all month for a Peds rotation. Kids finished the school year. Three birthdays, our 12th anniversary, and we bought a house! We built a home and have a doctor loan. It was such a process. Literally took a complete year (6-7 months was just figuring out the paperwork) for it to all work out but we closed on June 3. We have been in our home for 2 weeks now and finally starting to settle in.
I feel like I am at a point now where I am getting one box a day unpacked, lol. We were so blessed to have Todd's vacation week start just as we moved in. So Todd took care of a lot of the big projects around the home. He's back at work and I can't rely on my husband to take care of everything. And he's taking Step 3 on Friday. He's my hero. My baby isn't very easy going and it's a struggle trying to clean/organize while she is awake. So I'm doing things as I can and it's okay if it takes a while. I'm learning to just accept the fact that I can't do it all right now. Slowly but surely all the organizing and decorating will get done. It's a great lesson in patience for me. Clutter stresses me out! But I know it won't stay this way.
By the way, the home is beautiful! Pics to come...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Last Day of VPK and 1st Grade

My boys have their last day of the school year tomorrow. Jacob is graduating from preschool. So hard to believe he's old enough to start Kindergarten in the fall! Daddy won't get to be there:( I love Jacob's school but bummed they are having the graduation during school hours. If it was in the evening Todd would have actually been able to make it. Luckily this is just VPK;) And lucky for us Aunt Christina came to help out and be here for Jacob's big day. I've got a pretty awesome sister!

Editing to add some pictures from graduation day:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Away Rotations

So this week my Toddyberger is about 1 1/2 hours south in Brandon, FL for a Peds rotation. This is actually his second week down there. Lucky for us he gets to come home on the weekends! Now, it's not like my husband is a surgical resident, so I know our schedule isn't as demanding as others. Still, to me, life in residency gets pretty dang crazy. Maybe it's the 4 kids under 7 that make me feel that way, haha ;)
Our hopes for this away rotation are that my husband can catch up on a little sleep, fit in some exercise several days a week, prepare for his next board exam which he will take next month, and hopefully have a little time to relax. Though I'm not sure that's enough time to catch up on sleep! Todd's the type of person that would really benefit from a daily nap. This morning he told me he slept 9 straight hours and was still tired. Insert eye roll here, haha. I haven't slept more than three straight hours in months! Wrong person to turn to looking for sympathy, haha. Honestly though, he has been working hard, coming home and helping with dinner and baths, and then spends many evenings finishing up patient notes/discharge summaries, etc.
The kids are usually in bed earlier while daddy's away. I think the kids just know mommy's on her own and everyone just needs to help out. Things aren't as fun without daddy, though. And reading time is pretty pathetic. Luckily my oldest son can read a short story to the others. Many times when I try, our 5 month old screams and screams. Our little Elizabeth. Evenings are extra hard with her, she's tired and is barely happy while I'm walking around holding her. So sitting in a chair to read to the kids...no way!
I'm grateful that this first year of residency, at least up until this rotation, my husband has always been home at night. Night floats don't start until 2nd year here. Most rotations are pretty local. It's nice when, even if we don't get to spend any time together, we get be next to each other at night. He's my favorite person. And I'm counting down the days until we get to have him home again...and not just so I have help with the kids!
Time for me to check out if I want to get that 2-3 hour straight sleep tonight;)

Friday, May 6, 2016

Where We Are Today

There are so many things running through my mind. What I want this blog to be. What I should include. What I should leave out along the way. Where I should even begin!

My husband is nearing the end of his first year of residency. Hard to believe. The days seems so long and go by so slowly, yet, in retrospect, it seems like it passes so quickly. We are in Ocala, FL and are part of the brand new D.O. Family Medicine Residency program at Ocala Health. It was quite the journey we had in medical school but we both feel like we couldn't have landed in a more perfect residency for our family. We both have parents and siblings in Orlando and feel blessed to be less than 1 1/2 hours from our support group. Pretty perfect. Especially for this momma of four.

A little back story: we were in Highland, Utah for our 4th year of medical school. We were doing away rotations in hopes of being accepted into a program out there. Things didn't quite work out that way and we made our move back to Florida in April of 2015. I remember feeling funny at the time, kind of sick but nothing crazy. I made several comments about how it felt like my typical "pregnancy sickness." The thing is, we saw a fertility specialist to help bring our first 3 "miracle children" into our family. Life was hard and I was sure we were done having children. At least until after residency. One of the reasons being lack of funds to even return to see a specialist. Well, turns out I was pregnant. And now I really had a "miracle baby!" I was in tears that whole day I found out. Sometimes there was excitement involved but mostly I was just so overwhelmed. How could we add another child at this time? We were (still are!) struggling so much financially. How could I care for this little one the way I should? I am feeling spread so thin trying to care for each of the individual needs of my children. And emotionally/mentally I had been struggling to even take care of myself. There is much more to this and I'm still overwhelmed, but I'm also so grateful to have this baby in our family. I'm glad she's with us!

So here we are. Finishing up PGY1 (post grad year 1). We are coming up on our 12th anniversary next month. We have an almost 7 year old, an almost 5 year old, an almost 3 year old and our 4 month old. Welcome to our life. I want to document the ups and downs. The happy times and the struggles. And hopefully share some insight into what our residency journey looks like.